Friday, December 31, 2010


When the UFO story comes with a few teeth on it.

Recent UFO, New York and El Paso (Texas) events are in the section, in the case of such.

Here we are not at the mouth of a witness, but tens of thousands of video cameras, mobile phones and
Plus they offer the usual media publicized information would invalidate the responses such as
Lantern balloons and Chinese. El Paso-videos, in the case of us, in the light of the above news
A clip art image, informs the official projections of the possibility of a military aircraft in exercises. However, the
New York, and the similarity between the control reports showed the aircraft is not military exercises.

You can tell something of the army would ran, but you want to enable the conclusion of incompetence.
control reports were labels is exactly what the incompetent and lazy to say the least.

UFO stories, they contain a reference to the recent increase and future missed stories from mainland China
It should be noted. Culture in the rift valley is their systems to the UFO investigator, but it is a burden
Day. We are now at a speed of lightning and gleaning information sharing and more
English speaking to that People's Republic of China to the United States United Kingdom connects people, information, becomes
the volume is such that it should not be taken into consideration or rejected.

You always said, firstly, to make the UFO event or story is only steps to get excited. He
can perform sur-la - cloud with thoughts and actions. Breathe deeply, collect themselves and to consider the
raw data and findings of drawing so that you can compare the data. This prevents the
conclusions of imagination and distance on the other hand, allows us to focus our collective.
in order to improve the level of processing the search for truth is prosaic or paranormal phenomena.

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It is this story we can sink our teeth UFOlogists community!

The New Zealand Government released UFO, documents in advance, so that agreements or dating back to 1952 thousands!

It is very important to the history, it allows researchers in Eastern to aggressively enforce its rights of intellectual property of these reports and see what relevant information may be appropriate. These stories date back almost UFO/Flying saucer phenomenon at the beginning, and we see what has happened in this part of the world, because the reports have been collected.

History, which can be read by clicking here pointed out that indicates that they must not examine reports because they do not have the resources necessary for officials. Said just alot it because the information is now new approach by the community and see not only what has happened in the country, but also see comparisons of UFO reports globally. Let us know what we can do a comparison of the data if they do come into contact with other reports and phenomena and to get a better profile invective.

In some reports is not available to protect the privacy of another story said 40 years, but at least we have enough to dig in.

There is a lesson to learn here. Things to explore UFOs and the phenomena of needs of both and must be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the public detective work. One might have assumed that Governments done their due diligence, after the death of citizens of their systems, but in this case, if the Government is not the scope of the public and is now the responsibility of the round.

Are the researchers to undertake research? I doubt it, but a few brave souls dig into one of these reports and to find information that can be added to the quiver nugget gold of UFO research.

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Thursday, December 30, 2010

UFO in Malaysia Beach cause stir

UFO Park near Kota Kinabalu, Sabah cause stir

This is an interesting news is more UFO witness to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah close observation. What is considerable advantages, it is reports mobile phone cameras and devices become unusable during the conclusions. However, some people could take pictures of the described in the blue/green saucer-shaped object.

This UFO photographs are important because they help and hopefully discover exaine into what it is. This story found in site Web de Hyan Metro, Journal of Malaysia, who broke the story of second account.

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Here is a very interesting UFO news account that comes back from China.

In this report, the staff of the Office Hong Kong Air traffic management identified a UFO in the neighbourhood of Baotou, Inner Mongolia autonomous region around 9, 11 20.00.

The incident was so important that different aircraft were ordered to land a collision with an object.

Not only ordered some aircraft on land, others were diverted to other airports, some were sentenced to the circle of the airport approval obtained in the country. Taiyuan airport and Erdos received on extra diverted flights.

Since the UFO was discovered by authorities which means were an object existed and was so important that these measures avoid working mail disasters.

We will wait for a resolution and the solution to this new and surprising.

You can read the account by clicking here.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010


8 November 2010 10: 21 pm | Centreville Virginia close encounter the first nature, history, NEWS, UFO, UFO videos, pictures of UFOs | Without comments.


Virginia resident Bryan Fains was on 3 November to take his camera and capture the blue light interesting Sky Centreville, Virginia, presence of mind.

Given that Mr. Fains was his toes and interested in his video device disabled, researchers are now large databases for study to find out the mysterious blue light source.

You can read the story and watch an interview with Mr. Bryan Fains, with local Fox television as an OU (OU) it. Journalist Roby Chavez, MyFox conduct the interview. YOU CAN READ ANYTHING BY CLICKING HERE.

You find below is also for this mysterious UFO YouTube video.


8. November 2010, at 10: 21 pm | Centreville, Virginia, a close encounter of the first Kind, history, NEWS, UFO, UFO pictures, videos, UFOs | No comments


Virginia resident Bryan Fains had his camera to Nov. 3, and capture interesting blue light sky, Centreville, Virginia presence of mind.

Because that was on its feet and Fains transaction using his videønhed researchers is now a large data to examine the determination of the mystical blue light source.

You can read the story and watch an interview with Mr. Bryan Fains local Fox TV subsidiary there. Reporter Gianni Chavez MyFox carry out the interview. YOU CAN READ ALL BY CLICKING HERE.

Below is also for this YouTube video of a mysterious UFO.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Accounts for UFO, hold your mouse on the edge of three hours in Zhejiang province

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UFO over the mix of Malaysia Beach

UFO surveillance reports near Kota Kinabalu, Sabah mix

This is an interesting news account is other witness UFO surveillance reports near Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. What is significant is the fact that there are reports, mobile phone cameras and devices become unworkable monitor. But some may accept any donation made to the object in the format described in the blue/green sauces pictures.

This UFO photos is important, because they would help and hopefully find out exaine what it is. This story of the second account can be found on the Web site Hyan Metro Malaysian newspaper broke the story.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

UFO over Griffith Park-2007

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UFO mafia Blog wins award!

Online University
Online University

Well, this was a surprise to have won an award from the University of online for the fact that one of the top UFO blogs. I hope that more recognition bottom line. Also winning website I moderate and writing for with Jeff Rense and legendary Brian Vike UFOlogist.

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

UFO blind Of Cultus Lake, British Columbia

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