Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yawn! Another false Roswell zeta reticuli fleeing video of an alien.

8 May 2011 on 9: 12 pm | In exobiology, extraterrestrial, Flying Saucers, history, news, alien Roswell, UFO, space, UFO photos, accidents in UFO videos, ufology, YouTube. There is no comment

Here is another video that made her be displayed in the status of an alien Zeta Reticuli confirming the stellar system to the towers on the will of the Internet. Video black and white shows up to the object. Topics in data of head and body is displayed.

I call "one of the false to a number of factors." Some the so blatant that I do not, they spend time. Ask yourself questions when you view the video, why make a sound film projector?

You can do amazing things in today's computers for special effects to images and as long as you keep these videos, it seems that minted a week, you'll need clothing that the boat and the false UFO alien videos and photos continuously.

Today, we cannot go to the pictures and videos. We need material evidence of absolute validity. It is theorized, UFOlogy in the life of one inch of the territory and beyond what is necessary for speculation. It is more than time to do a real test for the status of employment in the course. Never, never get any Government information on Earth on this subject, so don't hold your breath. We are the only thing, it is a good old fashioned of old scientific research laboratory.

Friday, April 15, 2011

UFO skeptic says, light dome of the rock in Jerusalem is a hoax

The analysis of the SKEPTIC, said 28. January 2011, the UFO on Jerusalem was hoax

This story, are highlighted,, which can be read by clicking here you can read the video that went viral across the 28. January 2011, the bright light in the UFO world web Jerusalem and one of the most revered Holy Rock Dome, in particular, the analysis of monuments.

The analysis is really a skeptical, and although that make its claims without a thorough analysis of the expert videos, it provides enough good to give him the merits of the parties in a good position. It is good that we have these events and analysis even sceptical usually toss aside some skeptics a public display of the history information should be.

It is good to be skeptical but avowed skeptical already ranks you can take a decision was taken, methodical analysis, such as the impartiality of the void from the beginning. "So even believers". I have friends who claim they can see anything in the sky, which is a non-recognized automatically must be the alien threat. Nevermind the fact that this date fixed the proof of origin of aliens visiting Earth is never occur.

For this reason, my first rule is ufology: "never get excited about an event of UFO.". ", this way no step to lose my cool and is disappointed in the future."

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Now here is a story we can sink our teeth pop!

The Government of New Zealand released thousands of documents, formerly classified UFO, going back to the 1952!

This is a very important story that researchers the opportunity to delve into these reports, and see what relevant data can be seen. These stories go back almost to the beginning of the phenomenon UFO/flying saucer and we will be able to see what happened in this part of the world, because the reports collected.

The story that you can read by clicking here recalls officials who reported not consider reports because they do not have the means to do this. It says now because we have much to fresh branches to the data and see what happened not only in New Zealand, but see also the comparisons with other reports of UFO. We will be able to tell by comparing the data with other reports like jibe and phenomena and get a better profile.

Some reports will not be available for another 40 years for the protection of privacy which the story says, but at least we have enough to look at.

There is one lesson to be learned here. There is a lot more that needs to be examined in relation to Ufos and related phenomena, and it is for the public to the police work. One can have Governments had done their due diligence after the load of the citizens to death, but here a case where the Government has done, and now the responsibility lies with the hands of the public.

There are plenty of qualified researchers to investigate? Some faithful souls would look look at these reports and a golden nugget of information you can use the cooker of UFO research can find.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011



Okay UFO enthusiasts, almost oneireytikes with the news story about the controversial Wiki site leaks and the owner Mr Assange.

Pop had asked the question several times between us that if Mr. Assange really wanted to shake things he would have gotten of certain documents that UFO glare in what Government knows could throw.

Since the Government constantly lie about Ufos for more than half a century has been captured, no other option left but to not to believe anything the Government. Other Governments, such as France, Britain, Russia and Canada have a tsunami previously classified UFO documents let loose in the world.

Why is the United States of America, which has so much about informing the public, was so idiosyncratic with regard to the dissemination of documents relating to Ufos? Each time the documents are both Black, modified to make them useless, and we need the people who invented the freedom of information law. There is no other issue, apart from the control of the Federal Reserve, which a spiral of non-compliance by the authorities, even if the legislation of the Member States need to do differently.

So here we are now in the arena Wiki leaks UFO. History points to the alleged offers of leaks Wiki owner volunteer as saying something about the Wiki documentation is the reference leaks Ufos, but for some reason I didn't understand everything. What is not mentioned in the documents, only a few teaser that there are some "reference documents" UFOs "some.

It seems to me that this negotiation. So far the documentation wiki about Ufos point concerns of the Government about a Mr Gary McKinnon leaks, a British citizen about a decade before achieving what could not deliver the entire military espionage networks of the world: this hacked Pentagon computers with 56 k modem and a Perl script and Notepad.

Gee, wasn't sure that a budget busting operation was this?

Not only that, but it is announced that McKinnon suffers from Asperger syndrome.

McKinnon said to be the biggest breach caused and cause damage to the top secret computers in u.s. history. The U.S. wants him extradited still 40 something hacker, which was only looking for UFO related information, has defeated attempts to extradite afraid that it will be given the death penalty in decades behind bars. Taking into account the hushy attitude about Ufos in the United States, Mckinnon should be in the hands and knees thanking the Lord is still in Great Britain.

In any case, this coming Wiki leaks, will UFO documents you provide not nothing groundbreaking. It's just another teaser that was used as a ploy to get attention or Exchange. There is something about Ufos is APOKANEI about the United States. No other country in the world is so secretive about it, nor more vindictive actions of the United States. Since we now know that the United States, the CIA, the mafia and the Banksters industry mainstream news, and we have to look at the recent revelation of the owner of the national tabloid Rags I killed and national stars to see this as a rather alitheiaena and runs a high risk of reprisals from the UFO Government education.

These leaks Wiki, UFO documents will be groundbreaking if you said before. Volunteer well can be quite intelligent in order to maintain the best UFO secrets in his pocket, if it ever gets busted because we don't have our breath for a surprising new anytime soon.

You can read the MSNBC story by clicking here

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Occasionally, shows a story that some UFO has teeth.

Recent events UFO over New York City and El Paso, Texas is case-in-point.

Here we have a witness, but tens of thousands of video cameras and mobile phone
and more and details that offer that the usual media cancels claimed comments as
balloons and Chinese lanterns. In the case of video, El Paso, will have the above news
clip showing staff the possibility of military aircraft maneuvering projecting. However,
similarity with the New York observations showed no manoeuvring of military aircraft.

Not to say something was not military, but will put out an incompetent
the observations that frames are simply incompetent and lazy, at least.

UFO stories are on the rise recently and the stories that come from mainland China
It is outstanding. The cultural schism of tax for the UFO researcher, but weakening of the
on the day. We are now saving and exchanging information with lightning speed and more
English speaking people in China from the United States and the United Kingdom together, the data that
in this volume that cannot be ignored or rejected.

You have always said, the first thing I do with a UFO event or story is not too excited. This
can cloud the thoughts and actions. Take a deep breath, yourself to collect and study
raw data and to any conclusions until you are able to compare the data. This prevents the
jumps conclusions of fiction and instead, we concentrate our collective
editing skills to the truth by foot or paranormal to reveal.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011



By Greg Boone

Some of the new documents will now be almost above the rock Muslim shrine in Jerusalem, in the dome. Export the photo then appears to descend into the air and then Shoot straight up. Not only it y in the video of this event, but the two different locations, if not more, is whether, in particular, that on an ongoing basis in more than one witness was present.

This is what we call the close encounter of the first kind. I said, the space abroad, because she has nothing to do with this event. This is a photo that was photographed, and the source has not been determined yet. Need a few videos and UFO investigators to solve the mystery of this last-control eye analysis of the data.

In the meantime, the ends of the rule of law is the best for the condenser and the conclusions do not. It's a delicate situation, because the Dome rock is one of the religious sites most revered in the world. The religious, and political unrest for some reason, still on Earth, with the following event types may be attractive to people for the purposes of manipulator political or social unrest.

Currently, it is a strange light at the top of the building, do you the exercises.

Here's a video of a UFO over to Jerusalem photos, where the rock dome for two different videos in two different locations.

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Sharma dir shiraz via New York?

Sharma dir New York City shiraz? | UFO MAFIA ... @ import url (;UFO MAFIA … ufomafia. comBlogAboutCONTACT RADIO observations USTHE UFO MAFIA classes: SHOWUFO (rss) (105) the ALIEN ABDUCTION (rss) (10) the amino acids (rss) (1) CELEBRITIES (rss) (7) in Centreville, Virginia (rss) (1) (rss) (4) the people's Republic of China in the first type of Close encounters (rss) (33) the crop circles (rss) (10) to CRYPTOZOOLOGY (rss) (5) the Exobiology (rss) (2) an alien (rss) (32) (the Flying Saucers (rss) (40), history (rss) (55)) JPLRSS) (8) on Board (rss) (30) in meteorites (rss) (2) the communication of NASA (rss) (14), New Zealand (rss) (1) to News (rss) (51) in outer space (rss) (18) the Paranormal (rss) (52) PODCAST (rss) (3) RADIO (rss) (3) in Roswell, New Mexico (rss) (14), Science (rss) (33) Social Networking (rss) (31) the space alien (rss) (28), tv (rss) (5) the UFO crashes (rss) (21) the UFO pictures (rss) (67) (UFO), videos (rss) 67) Ufology (rss) (4) sharma (dir shirazrss) (94) in the UK (rss) (2) an unidentified Flying object (rss) (51), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (rss) (2) Webcast (rss) (3) in the archive: March 2011 (9) in the February 2011 (4) the measures provided for in the December 2010 (6) November 2010 (4) October 2010 (3) September 2010 (8) in the August 2010 (3) in July 2010 (6) June 2010 (1) (2) may 2010 April 2010 March 2010 (2), (5) on 1 February 2010 January 2010 (4) in December 2009 (3) November 2009 (2) October 2009 (6) September 2009 (11) August 2009 (14) July 2009 (7) in June 2009 (4) April 2009 (1) March 2009 (1) in January 2009, (8) in December, 2008 (4) (5) the measures provided for in the November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 (4) (9) on 25 August, 2008 (13) in July, 2008 (4) (9) June 2008 may 2008 April (10), 2008 (1) of 13 February 2008 (5) on 28 January, 2008 (26), (8) in December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 (4) (7) calendar April 2011MTWTFSS Mar ' BlogrollABOVE best AMEMAIL ME SECRETCoast 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 coast: EVOLBABY @ AOL.COMFrank N ArtJIM MARRSKevin the blog of the national UFO reporting Randle CenterNuclear physicist Stanton t. Friedman WebsiteThe Aliencasebook BlogThe Jeff cleaning ProgramTHE MONSTER POSSE COMICS! -Comic book written and illustrated by Greg Boone. Six of the space alien children arrives on Earth and the adventure begins.UFO-the message of the Government of the MAFIA in the discussion forum for all things related to the UFO.TWITTER-follow UFO UFO MAFIA mafia on Twitter!UFO DIGESTUFO FIGHT! Site of the people who loves to fight about the UFO MAFIA sharma dir shiraz. Twitter-follow UFO MAFIA blog is dedicated to Twitter!ALMOSTBlog Directory - BloggedSTRANGEMeta: RegisterLog XFNWP
Sharma dir New York City shiraz? 14. October 2010, 12: 24 am | Close encounter of the first type, history, news, PODCAST, Paranormal, RADIO, social networks, UFO, UFO videos, pictures of sharma, dir shiraz WEBCAST Unidentified Flying object | There are no comments

Sharma dir shiraz Over New York?

Well as the John Lennon song lyrics touch today was fully sharma dir shiraz appeared in New York.

The explanations are quickly suspected the labels, but nothing decisive has yet, so we can wait until the
See what happens next.

The following are two strories, videos, and pictures from this event, see the New York City for more than 13 October 2010.

UFO over New York, 13 in the video. October 2010

The update to version jensenmatchett the man posted a video on YouTube, which caused quite touching. This video is profanity warning. Click here to see the

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