Monday, January 3, 2011



Alright UFO enthusiasts, has almost oneireytikes historical news about controversial wiki site and owner of dwarfs Mrs Assange.

UFOlogists had asked this question many times between us that if he really wanted to shake Assange things he would have gotten some UFO documents shed light on what the Government can know.

Since the Government constantly lying about UFOs for more than half a century has caught, we have no other choice but to believe anything Government. Other States such as France, Great Britain, Russia and even Canada have let loose a tsunami previously classified documents UFO in the world.

Why is the US, which has a great deal about informing the public, was so stubborn as regards movement of documents about UFOs? Whenever you change the documents are both Black, edit, and useless, and we're supposed to be the people who invented the freedom of information. There is no other issue, other than the control of the Federal Reserve system, which is a maelstrom of non-compliance by the authorities, although the legislation relating to the status of books that we had to do it otherwise.

So we have here now on stage Wiki leakage of UFO. Points story about the alleged quotation marks by Wiki leakages owner Assange says something about the leaks Wiki documents refer to UFOs, but for some reason cannot be calculated. What is not mentioned in the documents, only a few teaser there are some "reference" UFOs in certain documents.

It seems to me that horse-trading. So far the documentation Wiki leaks on UFOs point concerns of Government about a Mr Gary McKinnon, a British citizen who about a decade ago reached what reached the entire military espionage networks in the world: he hacked into the Pentagon computers with a 56 k modem and a Perl script and Notepad.

Not so, that certainly was a budget busting operation was this?

Not only this, but is revealed that McKinnon Asperger's Syndrome.

McKinnon supposedly caused the biggest breach and the damage to the top secret computers in u.s. history. The us still want the published now 40 something hackers, which were only looking for UFO information, defeated attempts for fear that it will be issuing a death sentence for decades behind the lines. In the light of which the hushy attitude about UFOs in the United States, McKinnon for hands and thank the Lord is still in Great Britain of the knees.

In any case, this coming Wiki leaks, will UFO documents I think you do anything innovative. It's just another teaser that is being used as a trick to get attention or Exchange. There's something about UFOs are APOKANEI on the United States. No other country on Earth is so secretive about the problem, nor more punishment than the United States. Since we now know that the United States, the CIA, the mafia and the banksters are mainstream news industry, and one need only look at the recent revelation of the owner of the tabloid Rags The National applicant and national star to see this as truth, a runs a high risk of retaliation education free theme UFO in Government.

These leaks Wiki, UFO documents will be innovative as you have said before. Assange can also be quite smart enough to keep the best secret UFO in his pocket, if he's ever caught, because we don't have our breath for a surprising news anytime soon.

You can read MSNBC story by clicking here.

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