Friday, April 15, 2011



Now here is a story we can sink our teeth pop!

The Government of New Zealand released thousands of documents, formerly classified UFO, going back to the 1952!

This is a very important story that researchers the opportunity to delve into these reports, and see what relevant data can be seen. These stories go back almost to the beginning of the phenomenon UFO/flying saucer and we will be able to see what happened in this part of the world, because the reports collected.

The story that you can read by clicking here recalls officials who reported not consider reports because they do not have the means to do this. It says now because we have much to fresh branches to the data and see what happened not only in New Zealand, but see also the comparisons with other reports of UFO. We will be able to tell by comparing the data with other reports like jibe and phenomena and get a better profile.

Some reports will not be available for another 40 years for the protection of privacy which the story says, but at least we have enough to look at.

There is one lesson to be learned here. There is a lot more that needs to be examined in relation to Ufos and related phenomena, and it is for the public to the police work. One can have Governments had done their due diligence after the load of the citizens to death, but here a case where the Government has done, and now the responsibility lies with the hands of the public.

There are plenty of qualified researchers to investigate? Some faithful souls would look look at these reports and a golden nugget of information you can use the cooker of UFO research can find.

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