Saturday, April 2, 2011

Video UFO Over Lafayette, Colorado


Close encounters of the first character and the second of several witnesses, occurred in Lafayette, Colorado.

Here you can see a couple of different videos taken by the people, that displays the photos in a triangular formation
propose an object flies slowly through the triangular sky. This is similar to the formation and control of
for decades been reported and, as usual, the authorities do not have the right of citizens of the applications open
He has the right to do so.

We have to wait for the videos to get the impression that the object or objects, and until the AR
It is best to follow the number 1 rule of the UFO story: Don't Get excited.

Wait until the professional analysis and then we can list it in the other comments. It is a good thing
people as a whole is now within the area of these cameras and bebøre was a sharp whip out their cameras
and the capture transaction.

Good lookin' out there accounts of Coloradans.

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