Thursday, April 14, 2011



Okay UFO enthusiasts, almost oneireytikes with the news story about the controversial Wiki site leaks and the owner Mr Assange.

Pop had asked the question several times between us that if Mr. Assange really wanted to shake things he would have gotten of certain documents that UFO glare in what Government knows could throw.

Since the Government constantly lie about Ufos for more than half a century has been captured, no other option left but to not to believe anything the Government. Other Governments, such as France, Britain, Russia and Canada have a tsunami previously classified UFO documents let loose in the world.

Why is the United States of America, which has so much about informing the public, was so idiosyncratic with regard to the dissemination of documents relating to Ufos? Each time the documents are both Black, modified to make them useless, and we need the people who invented the freedom of information law. There is no other issue, apart from the control of the Federal Reserve, which a spiral of non-compliance by the authorities, even if the legislation of the Member States need to do differently.

So here we are now in the arena Wiki leaks UFO. History points to the alleged offers of leaks Wiki owner volunteer as saying something about the Wiki documentation is the reference leaks Ufos, but for some reason I didn't understand everything. What is not mentioned in the documents, only a few teaser that there are some "reference documents" UFOs "some.

It seems to me that this negotiation. So far the documentation wiki about Ufos point concerns of the Government about a Mr Gary McKinnon leaks, a British citizen about a decade before achieving what could not deliver the entire military espionage networks of the world: this hacked Pentagon computers with 56 k modem and a Perl script and Notepad.

Gee, wasn't sure that a budget busting operation was this?

Not only that, but it is announced that McKinnon suffers from Asperger syndrome.

McKinnon said to be the biggest breach caused and cause damage to the top secret computers in u.s. history. The U.S. wants him extradited still 40 something hacker, which was only looking for UFO related information, has defeated attempts to extradite afraid that it will be given the death penalty in decades behind bars. Taking into account the hushy attitude about Ufos in the United States, Mckinnon should be in the hands and knees thanking the Lord is still in Great Britain.

In any case, this coming Wiki leaks, will UFO documents you provide not nothing groundbreaking. It's just another teaser that was used as a ploy to get attention or Exchange. There is something about Ufos is APOKANEI about the United States. No other country in the world is so secretive about it, nor more vindictive actions of the United States. Since we now know that the United States, the CIA, the mafia and the Banksters industry mainstream news, and we have to look at the recent revelation of the owner of the national tabloid Rags I killed and national stars to see this as a rather alitheiaena and runs a high risk of reprisals from the UFO Government education.

These leaks Wiki, UFO documents will be groundbreaking if you said before. Volunteer well can be quite intelligent in order to maintain the best UFO secrets in his pocket, if it ever gets busted because we don't have our breath for a surprising new anytime soon.

You can read the MSNBC story by clicking here

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