Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Yawn! Another false Roswell zeta reticuli fleeing video of an alien.

8 May 2011 on 9: 12 pm | In exobiology, extraterrestrial, Flying Saucers, history, news, alien Roswell, UFO, space, UFO photos, accidents in UFO videos, ufology, YouTube. There is no comment

Here is another video that made her be displayed in the status of an alien Zeta Reticuli confirming the stellar system to the towers on the will of the Internet. Video black and white shows up to the object. Topics in data of head and body is displayed.

I call "one of the false to a number of factors." Some the so blatant that I do not, they spend time. Ask yourself questions when you view the video, why make a sound film projector?

You can do amazing things in today's computers for special effects to images and as long as you keep these videos, it seems that minted a week, you'll need clothing that the boat and the false UFO alien videos and photos continuously.

Today, we cannot go to the pictures and videos. We need material evidence of absolute validity. It is theorized, UFOlogy in the life of one inch of the territory and beyond what is necessary for speculation. It is more than time to do a real test for the status of employment in the course. Never, never get any Government information on Earth on this subject, so don't hold your breath. We are the only thing, it is a good old fashioned of old scientific research laboratory.

Friday, April 15, 2011

UFO skeptic says, light dome of the rock in Jerusalem is a hoax

The analysis of the SKEPTIC, said 28. January 2011, the UFO on Jerusalem was hoax

This story, are highlighted,, which can be read by clicking here you can read the video that went viral across the 28. January 2011, the bright light in the UFO world web Jerusalem and one of the most revered Holy Rock Dome, in particular, the analysis of monuments.

The analysis is really a skeptical, and although that make its claims without a thorough analysis of the expert videos, it provides enough good to give him the merits of the parties in a good position. It is good that we have these events and analysis even sceptical usually toss aside some skeptics a public display of the history information should be.

It is good to be skeptical but avowed skeptical already ranks you can take a decision was taken, methodical analysis, such as the impartiality of the void from the beginning. "So even believers". I have friends who claim they can see anything in the sky, which is a non-recognized automatically must be the alien threat. Nevermind the fact that this date fixed the proof of origin of aliens visiting Earth is never occur.

For this reason, my first rule is ufology: "never get excited about an event of UFO.". ", this way no step to lose my cool and is disappointed in the future."

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Now here is a story we can sink our teeth pop!

The Government of New Zealand released thousands of documents, formerly classified UFO, going back to the 1952!

This is a very important story that researchers the opportunity to delve into these reports, and see what relevant data can be seen. These stories go back almost to the beginning of the phenomenon UFO/flying saucer and we will be able to see what happened in this part of the world, because the reports collected.

The story that you can read by clicking here recalls officials who reported not consider reports because they do not have the means to do this. It says now because we have much to fresh branches to the data and see what happened not only in New Zealand, but see also the comparisons with other reports of UFO. We will be able to tell by comparing the data with other reports like jibe and phenomena and get a better profile.

Some reports will not be available for another 40 years for the protection of privacy which the story says, but at least we have enough to look at.

There is one lesson to be learned here. There is a lot more that needs to be examined in relation to Ufos and related phenomena, and it is for the public to the police work. One can have Governments had done their due diligence after the load of the citizens to death, but here a case where the Government has done, and now the responsibility lies with the hands of the public.

There are plenty of qualified researchers to investigate? Some faithful souls would look look at these reports and a golden nugget of information you can use the cooker of UFO research can find.

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Thursday, April 14, 2011



Okay UFO enthusiasts, almost oneireytikes with the news story about the controversial Wiki site leaks and the owner Mr Assange.

Pop had asked the question several times between us that if Mr. Assange really wanted to shake things he would have gotten of certain documents that UFO glare in what Government knows could throw.

Since the Government constantly lie about Ufos for more than half a century has been captured, no other option left but to not to believe anything the Government. Other Governments, such as France, Britain, Russia and Canada have a tsunami previously classified UFO documents let loose in the world.

Why is the United States of America, which has so much about informing the public, was so idiosyncratic with regard to the dissemination of documents relating to Ufos? Each time the documents are both Black, modified to make them useless, and we need the people who invented the freedom of information law. There is no other issue, apart from the control of the Federal Reserve, which a spiral of non-compliance by the authorities, even if the legislation of the Member States need to do differently.

So here we are now in the arena Wiki leaks UFO. History points to the alleged offers of leaks Wiki owner volunteer as saying something about the Wiki documentation is the reference leaks Ufos, but for some reason I didn't understand everything. What is not mentioned in the documents, only a few teaser that there are some "reference documents" UFOs "some.

It seems to me that this negotiation. So far the documentation wiki about Ufos point concerns of the Government about a Mr Gary McKinnon leaks, a British citizen about a decade before achieving what could not deliver the entire military espionage networks of the world: this hacked Pentagon computers with 56 k modem and a Perl script and Notepad.

Gee, wasn't sure that a budget busting operation was this?

Not only that, but it is announced that McKinnon suffers from Asperger syndrome.

McKinnon said to be the biggest breach caused and cause damage to the top secret computers in u.s. history. The U.S. wants him extradited still 40 something hacker, which was only looking for UFO related information, has defeated attempts to extradite afraid that it will be given the death penalty in decades behind bars. Taking into account the hushy attitude about Ufos in the United States, Mckinnon should be in the hands and knees thanking the Lord is still in Great Britain.

In any case, this coming Wiki leaks, will UFO documents you provide not nothing groundbreaking. It's just another teaser that was used as a ploy to get attention or Exchange. There is something about Ufos is APOKANEI about the United States. No other country in the world is so secretive about it, nor more vindictive actions of the United States. Since we now know that the United States, the CIA, the mafia and the Banksters industry mainstream news, and we have to look at the recent revelation of the owner of the national tabloid Rags I killed and national stars to see this as a rather alitheiaena and runs a high risk of reprisals from the UFO Government education.

These leaks Wiki, UFO documents will be groundbreaking if you said before. Volunteer well can be quite intelligent in order to maintain the best UFO secrets in his pocket, if it ever gets busted because we don't have our breath for a surprising new anytime soon.

You can read the MSNBC story by clicking here

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Occasionally, shows a story that some UFO has teeth.

Recent events UFO over New York City and El Paso, Texas is case-in-point.

Here we have a witness, but tens of thousands of video cameras and mobile phone
and more and details that offer that the usual media cancels claimed comments as
balloons and Chinese lanterns. In the case of video, El Paso, will have the above news
clip showing staff the possibility of military aircraft maneuvering projecting. However,
similarity with the New York observations showed no manoeuvring of military aircraft.

Not to say something was not military, but will put out an incompetent
the observations that frames are simply incompetent and lazy, at least.

UFO stories are on the rise recently and the stories that come from mainland China
It is outstanding. The cultural schism of tax for the UFO researcher, but weakening of the
on the day. We are now saving and exchanging information with lightning speed and more
English speaking people in China from the United States and the United Kingdom together, the data that
in this volume that cannot be ignored or rejected.

You have always said, the first thing I do with a UFO event or story is not too excited. This
can cloud the thoughts and actions. Take a deep breath, yourself to collect and study
raw data and to any conclusions until you are able to compare the data. This prevents the
jumps conclusions of fiction and instead, we concentrate our collective
editing skills to the truth by foot or paranormal to reveal.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011



By Greg Boone

Some of the new documents will now be almost above the rock Muslim shrine in Jerusalem, in the dome. Export the photo then appears to descend into the air and then Shoot straight up. Not only it y in the video of this event, but the two different locations, if not more, is whether, in particular, that on an ongoing basis in more than one witness was present.

This is what we call the close encounter of the first kind. I said, the space abroad, because she has nothing to do with this event. This is a photo that was photographed, and the source has not been determined yet. Need a few videos and UFO investigators to solve the mystery of this last-control eye analysis of the data.

In the meantime, the ends of the rule of law is the best for the condenser and the conclusions do not. It's a delicate situation, because the Dome rock is one of the religious sites most revered in the world. The religious, and political unrest for some reason, still on Earth, with the following event types may be attractive to people for the purposes of manipulator political or social unrest.

Currently, it is a strange light at the top of the building, do you the exercises.

Here's a video of a UFO over to Jerusalem photos, where the rock dome for two different videos in two different locations.

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Sharma dir shiraz via New York?

Sharma dir New York City shiraz? | UFO MAFIA ... @ import url (;UFO MAFIA … ufomafia. comBlogAboutCONTACT RADIO observations USTHE UFO MAFIA classes: SHOWUFO (rss) (105) the ALIEN ABDUCTION (rss) (10) the amino acids (rss) (1) CELEBRITIES (rss) (7) in Centreville, Virginia (rss) (1) (rss) (4) the people's Republic of China in the first type of Close encounters (rss) (33) the crop circles (rss) (10) to CRYPTOZOOLOGY (rss) (5) the Exobiology (rss) (2) an alien (rss) (32) (the Flying Saucers (rss) (40), history (rss) (55)) JPLRSS) (8) on Board (rss) (30) in meteorites (rss) (2) the communication of NASA (rss) (14), New Zealand (rss) (1) to News (rss) (51) in outer space (rss) (18) the Paranormal (rss) (52) PODCAST (rss) (3) RADIO (rss) (3) in Roswell, New Mexico (rss) (14), Science (rss) (33) Social Networking (rss) (31) the space alien (rss) (28), tv (rss) (5) the UFO crashes (rss) (21) the UFO pictures (rss) (67) (UFO), videos (rss) 67) Ufology (rss) (4) sharma (dir shirazrss) (94) in the UK (rss) (2) an unidentified Flying object (rss) (51), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (rss) (2) Webcast (rss) (3) in the archive: March 2011 (9) in the February 2011 (4) the measures provided for in the December 2010 (6) November 2010 (4) October 2010 (3) September 2010 (8) in the August 2010 (3) in July 2010 (6) June 2010 (1) (2) may 2010 April 2010 March 2010 (2), (5) on 1 February 2010 January 2010 (4) in December 2009 (3) November 2009 (2) October 2009 (6) September 2009 (11) August 2009 (14) July 2009 (7) in June 2009 (4) April 2009 (1) March 2009 (1) in January 2009, (8) in December, 2008 (4) (5) the measures provided for in the November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 (4) (9) on 25 August, 2008 (13) in July, 2008 (4) (9) June 2008 may 2008 April (10), 2008 (1) of 13 February 2008 (5) on 28 January, 2008 (26), (8) in December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 (4) (7) calendar April 2011MTWTFSS Mar ' BlogrollABOVE best AMEMAIL ME SECRETCoast 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 coast: EVOLBABY @ AOL.COMFrank N ArtJIM MARRSKevin the blog of the national UFO reporting Randle CenterNuclear physicist Stanton t. Friedman WebsiteThe Aliencasebook BlogThe Jeff cleaning ProgramTHE MONSTER POSSE COMICS! -Comic book written and illustrated by Greg Boone. Six of the space alien children arrives on Earth and the adventure begins.UFO-the message of the Government of the MAFIA in the discussion forum for all things related to the UFO.TWITTER-follow UFO UFO MAFIA mafia on Twitter!UFO DIGESTUFO FIGHT! Site of the people who loves to fight about the UFO MAFIA sharma dir shiraz. Twitter-follow UFO MAFIA blog is dedicated to Twitter!ALMOSTBlog Directory - BloggedSTRANGEMeta: RegisterLog XFNWP
Sharma dir New York City shiraz? 14. October 2010, 12: 24 am | Close encounter of the first type, history, news, PODCAST, Paranormal, RADIO, social networks, UFO, UFO videos, pictures of sharma, dir shiraz WEBCAST Unidentified Flying object | There are no comments

Sharma dir shiraz Over New York?

Well as the John Lennon song lyrics touch today was fully sharma dir shiraz appeared in New York.

The explanations are quickly suspected the labels, but nothing decisive has yet, so we can wait until the
See what happens next.

The following are two strories, videos, and pictures from this event, see the New York City for more than 13 October 2010.

UFO over New York, 13 in the video. October 2010

The update to version jensenmatchett the man posted a video on YouTube, which caused quite touching. This video is profanity warning. Click here to see the

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

EL PASO, Texas sharma dir shiraz VIDEO

When you see the UFO history, has some teeth to it.

New York City and El Paso, Texas UFO events in such a case.

This is one of the witness, but tens of thousands of mobile phone cameras and videos
and more and provide information to invalidate the customary media hyped response, for example,
Balloons and lanterns. El Paso videos we get in the News
clips by name, the official projections, the possibility of a military aircraft in exercises. However, In The
The similarity to the observations of the New York City, showed no military aircraft exercises.

You can say something happens, but not the conclusion of the incompetent military purposes
observations were the balloons are just this incompetent and lazy to say the least.

UFO stories are the cause of the latest, and mainland China is part of the stories
It should be noted. UFO investigator, but the deterioration of the system culture Division
date. We are now sharing information gleaning and the lightning speed, and so there is more than one
In the English-speaking people in China than in the United States and the United Kingdom combined, information from
It cannot ignore or reject such a status.

I have always said, the UFO event to make the first or the story should be excited. Its
can Cloud, thoughts and actions. Breath, to collect yourself and research
raw data and make any conclusions before you can compare the information. This prevents the
Go to the conclusions of the imagination, and instead allows us to focus our collective
handling skills, reveal the truth is Prosaic or paranormal.

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Now it is in this story for us to share our UFOlogists teeth in!

The New Zealand Government released thousands of documents UFO, previously classified, for the moment to go back to the 1952!

This is very important to the history, it allows researchers to the eastern border of these reports and see what relevant information with the appropriate opportunity. These stories go back almost to the phenomenon UFO/Flying Saucer in early and we will see what happened to those in this part of the world, because the reports were collected.

History, which can be read by clicking here noted that they do not regard the reports, because they do not have the resources to officials. That says alot right now the information being fresh attitude to come and see not only what happened in New Zealand, but see also other comparisons in the world of UFO reports. We tell you these in comparison to the other reports and the jibe and get the best of the phenomena of things-profile.

In some reports is not available for the protection of privacy, said the history of 40 years, but at least we can get enough to dig in.

Is the lesson to learn here. There is so much to explore sharma dir shiraz and phenomena related to the needs of the public, and it is the detective work. One could assume that Governments had done their due diligence after the death of its citizens, but in this case, if the Government does not have the responsibility to the public and it is now up to the tower to Tower.

Researchers are qualified to do research? I doubt it, but in a few brave souls digging in these reports and find information that can be added to the UFO research quiver at the nugget of gold.

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Monday, April 11, 2011

UFO skeptic says, the Dome light, Jerusalem is a Hoax


You can read the video analysis has gone viral on the 28 January 2011, the bright light onto the UFO on top of the rock and, in particular, to the Jerusalem Mosque, one of the most revered in the world this story spotlighted the sacred landmarks at space-telescope you can read by clicking here.

The analysis will be carried out, as a matter of fact, the doubts, and even if he makes his claims without a thorough analysis of the expert videos, he brings good enough on the parties to the good profitability. It is good that we have an analysis of these events, and even though I usually throw away skeptical analyses, some skeptics have been advised of the possibility of the story is worth posting about.

It is good to be skeptical, but you have already notified a skeptic who classifies the deciding before you perform the methodical analysis of objectivity that is not valid from the beginning. The same is also true with the "trønde". I got friends who will demand something they see in the Sky is an unrecognized must be converted from is inserted automatically in the alien menace. Nevermind that this date is solid proof of aliens visiting Earth is never come forward.

Thus, my first rule is Ufology: "never get enthusiastic a UFO event.". ", so that you don't lose your cool and is disappointed in the future.

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1953 Film: invaders from March

27 March, 2011, 4: 20 pm | ALIEN abduction, celebrities and the history of the flying saucers, pictures, UFO, UFO, ufology, UFO video, extraterrestrial, alien space. There is no comment

1953 Film: invaders from March

Yesterday evening, I am MU himself to look at one of my favourite films of UFO classic is known as "invaders from Mars". It was produced in 1953, directed by William Cameron Menzies, Richard Blake, marked with an asterisk Helena Carter, Arthur Franz, and Jimmy Hunt wrote.

This film invaders from Mars is a favorite among friends and family, that it would be reprinted in the rooms even if I have to grow up and drive po television commercials were the aavemaiset, such that the trailer had all the elements that would make the kidthat you want to make a bee line to the cinema. He broke a lot of genera invasion, UFO and Martian flying saucer on the route.

Then, offered what many today call the phenomenon of extraterrestrial abductions for almost 15 years before the famous Barney and Betty Hill - the history of the appearance of the Magazine, which appeared in the 1960s and 1970s. The story had elements, kidnapped the people, the search for traces of implant exotic eeriest overlord type still stands today for brands and special effects of the Government of people's brains, conspiracies and the coolest, is introduced. invaders from Mars was time to move forward, where appropriate, shall, on the one hand, and the modest budget is still shooting · chills and translations of age until today, to make the film high definition.

The great hero of the role of the cat in the plot and the boy who sees a flying saucer land near his home, the story focuses on the field. Soon begins and returns unexpected problems with the loss and a son, David, notifications, they have obtained their brand of head back. David, which is the my network places, the young girl is kidnapped and set fire to his home after a police station. The father of David and father of the girl will not able to work with a top secret project near the North and made a number of people in the city. The amount of the position of the history of David of the flying saucers in the population wild and strange to place it in a cell, where Helena Carter played health care worker bel arrives and makes a bad son. The parents of David arrive, on the basis of the Martian powers to apply for the moment, with him, but Dr. Pat Blake (Carter), refuses. Soon, the Chief of police and military brass is a Martian, and it is under the supervision of Dr. Carter, David and Dr. Stuart Kelston, played by Arthur Franz-competition in the authorities alert in real time, and protection against the Martians. Yes, the Invaders From Mars is anything but mush.

If you have not seen the Invaders From Mars you lack much. Yes was in the 1980s, which is a faithful Remake of the original, but the 1953 classic is not affected. Can I bring here because I've seen several versions of this film in the years to change and that you don't understand, that it had been modified on several occasions. There are several different endings, one of the ways forward to and EC Comics-ironic twist-of-the-end formula, but I saw yesterday evening, there was a version of Netflix has been added to the scene, I didn't know existed, and it blew me away.

invaders from Marsin this version, the filmmakers have added material to explain the ufology area and is very disturbing. The series takes place in, among other things, the three main characters of David, Dr. Blake and Dr. Kelston, from astronomer amateur, and Jimmy if rules of procedure of the local Observatory often. It appeared of the Kelston had sharma dir and goes long, shiraz are quite accurate and complete information on the survey that sharma dir shiraz in the 1950s educational films. I mean, it really goes in depth to the point that he actually did use the company or you are an alien spore convincing argument. It deals with the infamous "Lubbock lights" of history, photos, Captain Thomas f. Mantell, the National Guard Kentucky, air transport, which, on the level of the UFO crashed in January even if the 1948 event. "Death rays" at the time of the high profile case, theories were tossed in the colony, such as the Mantell died. All these information in a particular scene is accurate scientific and ufology some conjecture which, with today's standards, perhaps, but it is amazing that the producers went to the length of this particular segment. In addition, there is something in this film, that most lack. The "invaders" of the State whenever you ulkoavaruudesta! It is the army and the researchers, who are supposed to be the case. The scene in which the invaders are asked on their leader, a bubble at the head of the creepy invaders intangible of Octopus Member State that their leader is the very embodiment of human development. Please note, said the "Martian". Get the picture yet?

After this, material added to add to the main story had been confronted with fire and you can see that David has increased slightly in character in intellectual property. It is the only additional drill, which makes the invaders in March which is featured in the soundtrack of the film, alongside the classic UFO as "unidentified flying objects: the true story of flying saucers", "flat bamboo" and "land against flying saucers with big Ray Harryhausen" special effects.

Chassé around so that I would mention that, according to the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) that can be read by clicking here invaders from Mars version. Not to go in three versions, America, Europe, the Terminal and republished versions us, such as terminals, is a surprise. To do this, by itself, and all three versions to hunt and enjoy the classic UFO culture, which takes the test of time.

Here you can see the original Invaders From Mars, the scene of the trailer:

Here you can see the merits of the film and the musical score is aavemaiset. One of the most frightening music as misleading partitions. A kind of military walk begins, but it is becoming rapidly a melody, which suggests a hidden mystery and haunting the exceptional summer.

Sunday, April 10, 2011



A surprising video appeared on YouTube in accordance with information of a classic flying saucer UFO that reportedly almost collides with a small airplane piloted by two doctors, who control the lines of the famous Nazca lines of Peru.

The video shows the pilot flying over the massive ground formations and icons that surprised scientists for decades as regards their purpose, such as this can be understood only by means of observation from the air.

As the pilots in an extremely rare rain cloud formation, rarely if ever fly in that area, the UFO after a hole in the clouds for a short 2 or 3 seconds appeared. Then, the video shows the object at lower speeds and growth.

It will be interesting to see what the experts have to say about the video and it's authenticity, so you'll have to wait for final screen resolution to determine whether it is authentic. You can view the video below from the flying saucer UFO.

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Analysis of UFO videos in Devon, England

8: 11 Am March 10, 2011 | The flying saucers, EIDiSEIS, video UFO, UFOs, research before the UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT | There are no comments

Also another high profile UFO video has surfaced on the web are all abuzz. Gives a flying saucer hovering and travel between some trees in Devon, England.
You can this video of a UFO in Devon, England.

As you can see is a good video, and we must call it UFO videos from Devon, England in a fake for two reasons. One, I can use and work with CGI and that signature all over it. Two, you can use the object that is surrounded by trees and shoots up into the atmosphere with breathtaking speed and not disrupt the trees surrounding it. This is just too obvious. This UFO videos that occasionally appear on YouTube is really good, but you need along the experts in the field of special effects and computer animation, and you can find for what is right off the bat. So once again is my rule about UFO story or provision that you're not excited. This is the worst enemy. Instead, carefully analyzed and if you can, spend a few experts in special effects, and today there are many of them on the web. All you need to do is just browse their forum and ask them politely to consider. They will tell you what it is, but the software used to achieve the effects.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011


on November 8, 2010 at 10: 21 pm | Centreville, Virginia, in the close encounter of the first type, history, news, UFO, UFO videos pictures of sharma dir shiraz | There are no comments


Virginia resident Fains was in Nov 3 Bryan in his video camera and capture interesting blue light over the airspace of Centreville, Virginia the presence of mind.

Since Mr. Fains was in his toes and the use of his videønhed to the attention of the researchers, is now the great information about the study to determine the source of the mysterious blue light.

You can read the story and watch the interview with Mr. Bryan Fains, the local Fox television affiliates there. Reporter Gianni Chavez MyFox carried out the interview. YOU CAN READ ALL, CLICK HERE.

Below is also for this YouTube video of a mysterious UFO.

UFO special report: get ready for the fun, the MAFIA trial

12. February 2011 at 5: 48 am | News, Science, social networks, UFO, UFO videos, photos, Ufology, sharma, Unidentified Flying dir shiraz object | There are no comments

Hello people,

Want to post a fun experiment relating to the UFO photos and videos coming soon.

The test includes a way to view these photos and videos in a new way and easy to see that
is false, and which are not. You must use the software may use and and experimenting at home.

It is not 100% proof of anything, but give some alarming results that you will find the high interest to Tarkkailkaa.


Friday, April 8, 2011

Analysis of the video of UFO, Devon, England

10. in March, 2011, 8 h 11. Flying saucers, news, sharma dir shiraz, UFO, UFO videos | There is no comment

In addition, the second video of UFO high - profile has increased on the surface, which has all the standard web. It shows the flying saucer of a test of filter and on the road between some trees in Devon in England.
You see this video of a UFO, Devon, England.

As you can see, is a good video, and I would have to call the UFO video, Devon, in England, set to false for two reasons. One, to use and work with CGI and it is the size of the signature. The two, see the description of the object tree and the place is surrounded by a straight line up in the air and the stunning speed, it does not interfere with the surrounding trees. It is equally clear. These videos of UFO that Youtube from time to time in the pop-up window is really good, but all you need to do is to pass to special effects and computer animation, experts field and they are what they are in the proper use of acetate. Yet the history of UFO, or a report of the rule is that you get excited. This is the worst enemy. Analyze instead of carefully and if you can pass to some special effects expert and has a lot on the Web today. Everything that you need to do is simply look for their forums and ask them to show their siivosti. They are not only tells you what it is, but what software was used to achieve the effects.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Video of a UFO on top of the Barrow, UK

Video-UFO over Barrow, UK | UFO MAFIA ... @ import url (;UFO MAFIA … ufomafia. comBlogAboutCONTACT RADIO observations USTHE UFO MAFIA classes: SHOWUFO (rss) (105) the ALIEN ABDUCTION (rss) (10) the amino acids (rss) (1) CELEBRITIES (rss) (7) in Centreville, Virginia (rss) (1) (rss) (4) the people's Republic of China in the first type of Close encounters (rss) (33) the crop circles (rss) (10) to CRYPTOZOOLOGY (rss) (5) the Exobiology (rss) (2) an alien (rss) (32) (the Flying Saucers (rss) (40), history (rss) (55)) JPLRSS) (8) on Board (rss) (30) in meteorites (rss) (2) the communication of NASA (rss) (14), New Zealand (rss) (1) to News (rss) (51) in outer space (rss) (18) the Paranormal (rss) (52) PODCAST (rss) (3) RADIO (rss) (3) in Roswell, New Mexico (rss) (14), Science (rss) (33) Social Networking (rss) (31) the space alien (rss) (28), tv (rss) (5) the UFO crashes (rss) (21) the UFO pictures (rss) (67) (UFO), videos (rss) 67) Ufology (rss) (4) sharma (dir shirazrss) (94) in the UK (rss) (2) an unidentified Flying object (rss) (51), the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (rss) (2) Webcast (rss) (3) in the archive: March 2011 (9) in the February 2011 (4) the measures provided for in the December 2010 (6) November 2010 (4) October 2010 (3) September 2010 (8) in the August 2010 (3) in July 2010 (6) June 2010 (1) (2) may 2010 April 2010 March 2010 (2), (5) on 1 February 2010 January 2010 (4) in December 2009 (3) November 2009 (2) October 2009 (6) September 2009 (11) August 2009 (14) July 2009 (7) in June 2009 (4) April 2009 (1) March 2009 (1) in January 2009, (8) in December, 2008 (4) (5) the measures provided for in the November 2008 October 2008 September 2008 (4) (9) on 25 August, 2008 (13) in July, 2008 (4) (9) June 2008 may 2008 April (10), 2008 (1) of 13 February 2008 (5) on 28 January, 2008 (26), (8) in December 2007 November 2007 October 2007 (4) (7) calendar April 2011MTWTFSS Mar ' BlogrollABOVE best AMEMAIL ME SECRETCoast 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 coast: EVOLBABY @ AOL.COMFrank N ArtJIM MARRSKevin the blog of the national UFO reporting Randle CenterNuclear physicist Stanton t. Friedman WebsiteThe Aliencasebook BlogThe Jeff cleaning ProgramTHE MONSTER POSSE COMICS! -Comic book written and illustrated by Greg Boone. Six of the space alien children arrives on Earth and the adventure begins.UFO-the message of the Government of the MAFIA in the discussion forum for all things related to the UFO.TWITTER-follow UFO UFO MAFIA mafia on Twitter!UFO DIGESTUFO FIGHT! Site of the people who loves to fight about the UFO MAFIA sharma dir shiraz. Twitter-follow UFO MAFIA blog is dedicated to Twitter!ALMOSTBlog Directory - BloggedSTRANGEMeta: RegisterLog XFNWP
Video-UFO over Barrow, UKOctober 13, 2010 4: 34 pm | Close encounter of the first character in the news, UFO, UFO videos, pictures, UK, United Kingdom | There are no comments


This story is at least the UFO, the man who walked his dogs in the captured video. You can read the story and see pictures and video of this close encounter, click here.

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Surprising as it has appeared on YouTube a video of the alleged UFO allegedly almost horizontal level frequently collide in a small, two doctors, proven, such as the famous Nazca lines in Peru, the classic flying saucer-type.

The Video shows the pilot's aviation permits massive formations of the Earth, the lines and pictographs which amaze scientists for decades, whom they only could be through the air in the observation of the concept of the purpose of the above.

As the pilots fly in extremely rare rain cloud formation, it rarely, if ever rain in this area has been reported that the UFO then occurs in the hole in the clouds a short 2 or 3 seconds. The Video then shows the slower speed of the object and the magnification.

It would be interesting to see what the experts have to say about the video and is a certificate of authenticity is so we can expect in the final analysis of the video is in fact authentic. You can watch the video of a UFO flying saucer.

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Special report: UFO MAFIA stay tuned for a fun experiment

February 12, 2010 at 5: 48 am | In the news, science, social networks, UFO, UFO videos EIKoNES, ufology, UFOs, UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT | There are no comments

Hi folks,

Going to post a fun experiment relating to UFO photos and videos are coming soon.

The experiment involves a way to look at these photos and videos on a new way and easily see what
is fake and what isn't. Will your software you will be able to use and you can do your experiments at home.

Not 100% proof of something, offer but some alarming results that you find more interesting to stay tuned.


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Video of a UFO Over Lafayette (Colorado)


Another good multiple witness close encounter the first kind has taken place on the Lafayette, Colorado.

Here you can enter some videos taken by various people that make up a triangular formation of lights
to suggest a triangular object flying through the air slowly. This type of similar formation and object has
have been reported for decades and, as usual, that the authorities are not open to applications for citizenship by law
they are the mandate to do so.

We'll have to wait for the analysis of the video to get an idea of what the object or objects, and until then
It is better to follow my number 1 rule of a UFO story: not excited.

Wait until the analysis comes in and then we have this list with other observations can make. It is a good
people in general have now pocket cameras, and these people were sharp whip of cameras
and recording of the event.

Good lookin' there Coloradans.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Videos of UFO on Lafayette, Colorado


No one at the end of the first type, there are a number of other witnesses took place in the closing meeting in Lafayette, Colorado.

Here you can see a few taken by different people, which shows the video triangular formation of lights
triangular object which suggest that slowly across the sky. This object is similar to the training and
for decades, and as reported to the authorities are not open on the applications of its citizens, which are the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of
they received.

We have to wait to get an idea of what this object or objects are and until such time as the videos for analysis
It is preferable to follow the rule number 1 of a history of UFO: Don't Get excited.

Expected that the analysis professionals, and then the list with the other reports of control. It is a good thing
large people are today pocket cameras, and the region of the Northern Mariana Islands is a sharp whip on their cameras
and the capture transaction.

Good lookin ' guest accounts there.

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on November 8, 2010 10: 21 pm | Virginia Centreville, close meeting of the first kind, history, news videos, UFO, UFO, photos of sharma dir shiraz. There is no comment


Fains resident Virginia was in Nov Bryan 3 to remove his video camera and capture interesting blue light on the presence of Centreville, Virginia, the sky of mind.

Since Mr. Fains was in his toes and interested his video on how to use the device, the researchers are now important information to determine the source of the mysterious blue light.

You can read the story and watch the organizational unit, Mr. Bryan Fains local television interview. Roby Chavez conducts the interview to postpone MyFox. YOU CAN READ ALL, CLICK HERE.

You will find below is also for this video YouTube of a mysterious UFO.



Video large eye-catching was the subject of the factorial of classic UFO flying saucer, YouTube, which would have been almost collides with two doctors, who were the famous Nazca lines, see the proven small Peru horizontal level.

The video shows the wheel on the massive formations of features and on the ground that pictographs are researchers puzzled with the purpose for decades as they cannot be through the air and the observation of the trial whether.

As the pilots to fly the formation of extremely rare rain clouds, she rarely or even never temperature in this region have been reported, the UFO then occurs in the hole in the clouds, a brief seconds of 2 or 3. The video shows a slower speed of the object, and then maximize.

It is interesting to see what the experts have to say about the video and is governed by the laws of the authenticity of the video, so we have to wait for the final, to determine ifin effect, shall be authentic. You can see below, the video of the flying saucer UFO.

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Monday, April 4, 2011

Special report: UFO MAFIA fun stay granted to the test

12 February 2011, 5: 48 pm | Social networking News, Science, UFO, videos of UFO, photos, ufology, UFO, sharma dir shiraz. There is no comment

Hey, seriously

I will post a fun experience of UFO photos and videos soon.

The test includes a way to see these pictures and videos in a new way and easily see which
have been tampered with and that do not exist. The software, use, you have the possibility to use both and experimentation at home.

It is not 100% evidence of what, but provide some alarming results that you find interesting is coming.


Sunday, April 3, 2011



By Greg Jefferson

Now there is a new images come on a light seen hovering over the Muslim holy shrine in the courtyard of the rock in Jerusalem. The light seems to float and then fall than pull up in the atmosphere. Not only is there a video of this event, but as no more than two different sites discovered that more than one witness with a recording device was present.

This is what we call a close encounter of the first kind. I am not saying that alien space has nothing to do with this event. This is a light photographed and the source has not yet be determined yet. It takes several video analysis and eye witness information about UFO researchers to solve the latest puzzle.

In the meantime, it is best for cooler heads to prevail and not jump to conclusions. This is an epidermal situation because the dome of the rock, is one of the most perifronitea religious sites in the world. With the political and religious unrest still evolving on Earth for some reason, events like these are used by persons for the purpose to manipulate political or social unrest.

Now, this is a strange light maneuver in a building.

Below is a video of light UFO above the dome of the rock in Jerusalem show two different video taken from two different locations in the city.

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Now it is in this story, we pool our UFOlogists in the teeth!

The New Zealand Government released thousands of documents, previously categorized as far as possible, go back to the 1952 UFO!

This is very important to the story, it allows researchers the opportunity to go to these reports, and to see what information can be understood. These stories go back nearly to the flying saucer UFO/the beginning of the phenomenon, and we see what happened to the part of the world, because the reports were gathered.

The story can be read by clicking here, points out that the officials ', which indicates they are, because I looked at the reports of the funds is not. It says Alot there, because now we have new perspectives and the information, and shows not only what has happened in New Zealand, but also to comparisons to other UFO Reports worldwide. We cannot tell by comparing the data, if the other reports and phenomena and to obtain better things jibe-profile.

Some reports are not available for another 40 years for the protection of personal data, the story says, but at least we have enough to dig in.

Is the lesson to learn here. There are so many more of the investigated for sharma dir shiraz and related phenomena, and it is a public task and the work of the detective. Perhaps it is approved by the Governments had made after the death of the taxation treatment of citizens, but when the Government has not taken responsibility now belongs to the turns, to the public.

Are sufficiently qualified researchers in the research? Believe it, but some powerful souls the will of the graves of these reports and may be able to find the information, which may add to the golden nugget quivers UFO research.

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Video UFO Over Lafayette, Colorado


Close encounters of the first character and the second of several witnesses, occurred in Lafayette, Colorado.

Here you can see a couple of different videos taken by the people, that displays the photos in a triangular formation
propose an object flies slowly through the triangular sky. This is similar to the formation and control of
for decades been reported and, as usual, the authorities do not have the right of citizens of the applications open
He has the right to do so.

We have to wait for the videos to get the impression that the object or objects, and until the AR
It is best to follow the number 1 rule of the UFO story: Don't Get excited.

Wait until the professional analysis and then we can list it in the other comments. It is a good thing
people as a whole is now within the area of these cameras and bebøre was a sharp whip out their cameras
and the capture transaction.

Good lookin' out there accounts of Coloradans.

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1953 film: invaders from Mars

March 27, 2011 at 4: 20 pm | Space ALIEN ABDUCTION, celebrities, Flying Saucers, history, UFO, UFO videos, photos, Ufology, UFO, space, alien | There are no comments

in 1953, the film: the invaders from Mars

Last night I abandon myself in one of my favorite UFO movie called "theInvaders Mars". It was produced in 1953, William Cameron Menzies, written by Richard Blake and displaced persons, Helena Carter, Arthur Franz, and Jimmy Hunt-directed by.

This movie Invaders Mars is a favorite among friends and family, because it would be re-released in theaters grew and the drive-ins Tv advertising was the evil trailer had all the elements that would make the kid to make the film bee line. It broke a lot of Martian invasion, UFO and flying saucer genres to land.

Then, it featured what many today call it alien abduction phenomenon for almost 15 years before the famous Barney and Betty Hill-the story of the APPEARANCE of the Magazine, which appeared in the 1960s and 70s. The story had elements, kidnapped the people, the implant is put at the disposal of the fingerprints of the Government of the people's brains, the market leader in the coolest eeriest conspiracies alien Overlord type that still rises up today, and special effects. Invaders Mars was time to move forward and the modest budget is still filming · chills and translations, reaches the age of the film in high definition even today.

The great hero of the cat's role in the plot, and plenty of young boy who sees a flying saucer land near his home, the story focuses on the field. Soon, people will begin to disappear and come back to the weird and the son, David, contract notices, they must decide on their backs. David, which is the my network places after the girl is abducted and set fire to the police-station in his home. David's father and the girl's father is a top secret project, working in the United States Census Bureau, the city is near the base do not more people. The station places a number of David's wild story of flying saucers and the freaks in the cell, where he became one of the most beautiful of health care workers played Helena Carter arrives and makes a bad son. David's parents arrive, now, on the basis of the mars men the right to apply to him, but Dr. Pat Blake (Carter), refuses. Soon, such as the police and some military brass, under the supervision of the Chief is the Mars and Dr. Carter, David and Dr. Stuart Kelston, Arthur Franz, the competition authorities of the real time alert and played on Mars. Invaders Mars is set to Yes, all except the mush.

If you have not seen the Invaders from Mars are missing out. Yes, it was in the 1980s, which is a faithful Remake of the original, but the classic 1953 is not touched. Can I import this, because I have seen several of their edited versions of this movie in years and noted that it had been amended several times. There are many different endings at the previous formula, with the EC Comics and the Ironic twist-on-the-end, but I have seen yesterday evening version of Netflix, which had been added to the scene, you did not know existed, and it blew me away.

Invaders from Marsversion of the movie will be added in the area of Ufology and material to explain was very disturbing. The series takes place in the three main characters, David, Dr. Blake and Dr. Kelston, running in the local Centre, in which Jimmy, amateur astronomer, often in the middle of the rules of procedure. Kelston, it turns out to be, had studied at shiraz and moves to the sharma dir long-term, fully accurate and wide-ranging inquiry about sharma dir shiraz is one of these in the 1950s educational films. I think that he really goes in depth, that he actually makes use of the convincing argument or an alien, with unique space in the hypothesis. He discusses the infamous "Lubbock lights" of the story, photos, Capt. Thomas f. Mantell Kentucky Air National Guard, in the case where the plane crashed in January in spite of the fact that on the basis of a UFO in 1948. Strong published cases, the period of time than "death rays" was tossed about in the label of the theories of Mantells death. All of the information in this particular scene is an exact science, and some speculation that to maintain the standards of the modern Ufology, but it is unbelievable that the producers went with this particular segment of peduncle. In addition, there is no maximum to miss this movie. At any stage of the "attackers" State that they are in outer space! It is the army, and the researchers, who are assumed to be so. The scene in which the attackers asked their leader bubble head unpleasant bodiless Octopus declared their leader is the epitome of the human development of the attackers. Please note, to say the "Martian". Get the picture yet?

The inserted material came to be added to the main story had been filmed, and we see that David had grown only in the number of characters after the period. This is the only extra hole punch, which from Mars invaders UFO movie this be formalised such classics, in conjunction with the "Unidentified flying objects: the true story of Flying Saucers", "Bamboo-plate" and "Earth vs. Flying Saucers" are accompanied by a large Ray Harryhausens special effects.

The version of theInvaders Mars Jag, that around so I mention, according to the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) that can be read by clicking here. Does not want to go to the three versions, at the end of the American, European, and American re-edited versions, which add-ins is a surprise. Makes all three version of the handler and hunt and enjoy the classic UFO culture, even in time of the test.

This field shows the original scene of the trailer invaders Mars:

Here you can see the film and the Musical Score thanks to aavemaiset. One of the scariest music scores as it is misleading. The military March form starts, but it is evolving quickly as part of the curse of the hidden mystery and haunting melody.

Friday, April 1, 2011

1953 Film invaders from Mars

4: 20 Pm March 27, 2011 | In ALIEN abduction, DIASIMoTITES, Flying Saucers, history, UFO, UFO videos EIKoNES, ufology, UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT, space alien, extra-terrestrial | There are no comments

1953 Film: invaders from Mars

Last night I myself a favourite classic UFO watch movies imposed called "Invaders from Mars". Produced in 1953, directed by William Cameron Menzies, writes Richard Blake, and star Helena Carter, Arthur Franz and Jimmy Hunt.

This film Invaders from Mars is a favorite among friends and family, as it was re-released in cinemas while growing up, my and the drive-ins. tv commercials was huge, as the trailer had all the elements that a child that you want to create a line for the movies will make. It broke many of the territory of the Martian invasion, UFO and flying saucer species.

It featured than what many now call the alien abduction phenomenon for almost 15 years before the famous Barney and Betty Hill story that in LOOK magazine in the early 1960s appeared. The story had all the elements, people who have been kidnapped, implants put in the minds of people, Government conspiracies, and the coolest-looking alien overlord eeriest kind is still so far the can up and special effects. Invaders from Mars beforehand and was on a moderate budget film still has the chills and Surrealism the film achieved even in this era of high definition.

Large plot with consignments of heroic action and focuses on the story of a young boy who is a flying saucer land in a field near his house. Quickly, people begin to disappear and return with strange behavior, and boy, David, these notices have a check box on the backs of their necks. David resulting in the police station after a neighborhood girl is kidnapped and fire is set to the House. Both David's father and the father of the girl working in a program on top of a nearby secret base as most of the people of the city. At the station of David wild flying saucers and strange history people places him in a cell where a beautiful healthcare worker played by Helena Carter arrives and takes pity on the boy. David's parents, now under the authority of the Mars to retrieve him but Dr. Pat Blake (Carter), refuses. The head of the police and some military brass are rapidly under the control of the Martian and Dr. Carter, David and Dr. Stuart Kelston, played by Arthur Franz, the fight against time to warn the authorities and the Mars cancel. Yes, Invaders from Mars is anything but.

If you haven't Invaders from Mars seen misses you. Yes, there is a remake in the 1980s, which was faithful to the original, but can not be touched the classic 1953. I edit because I have different versions of this film have seen in years and didn't realize that was several times has changed. There are several different endings, which was away from the ironic twist-type-in-the-end twilight and EC comics, but the version that I saw last night to the preparation, there was an extra scene, I didn't know existed and this was bombed me away.

In this version of the Invaders from Mars, the makers images to explain the range of UFOlogy added and was rather worrying. The series takes place between the three main characters, Dr. David Blake and Dr. Kelston with local Centre where Jimmy, an amateur astronomer like to frequent. Kelston was shown studying Ufos and goes a long, highly accurate and comprehensive explanation about Ufos that resembles one of these educational films of the 1950s. I mean it really goes in depth where you actually do a convincing argument for the alien or extraterrestrial visitation hypothesis. This refers to the well-known story "Lubbock lights" with photos, the case of Captain Thomas f. Mantell Kentucky Air National Guard whose plane crashed while in pursuit of a UFO in January 1948. A highly publicized event at the time as death rays ' theories ' were thrown about like a statement to the death of the mantle. Not all data in this scene is an exact science and it has been speculated that by today standards of UFOlogy not delay, but it is surprising that the producers went to such lengths up to this particular section. Besides, is there anything in this movie which lose more. At any time says "attackers" that you from space! It is the military and scientists who undertake it connects. In a scene where intruders are asked about their leader, without head creepy in a bubble, Octopus invaders Member that their leader the embodiment of human evolution. Note, not to say "Mars". Get the picture yet?

The added images came after the main story had filmed and can be seen that the character David light during the period had increased. The scene is just the extra punch that Invaders from Mars UFO makes that must have been the film together with classics such as "unidentified flying objects: the true story of flying saucers", "the bamboo saucer" and "Earth vs. the Flying Saucers" has great Ray Harryhausen's special effects.

So hunt around the Invaders from Mars that mention that according to the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) you can read by clicking here. I will not dwell on the outputs of the three versions, American, European, and u.s. versions, such as surprise endings. So make your beautiful and hunt for all three versions and enjoy a classic UFO culture that the test of time.

Here you can see the original theatrical trailer for invaders from Mars:

Here you will see a tribute to the film's musical score and is terrible. One of the scariest scores such as deception. This leads to some form of military March but quickly develops into a melody which proposes the hidden mystery and otherworldly terrifying threat.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

EL PASO, TEXAS UFOs video with

UFO story appears when you have some teeth.

The latest UFO events, New York and El Paso, Texas is such a case.

We need one witness but tens of thousands of cameras and videos on your mobile phone
and more, and you provide the information in its sole discretion, to void the usual media hyped replies such as
Balloons and Chinese lanterns. In the case of El Paso videos we have in the News
clips-official projections of the possibility of a military aircraft in operation. However, the
similar to the New York observation showed a military aircraft in operation.

You can say something happens, the conclusion of the army for incompetent handling file
that observation was Bubbles has just this incompetent and lazy to say the least.

UFO stories, and stories of the past is on the increase in the future you ran out of mainland China
It is remarkable. The culture of a multi-yearly frequency are specified below for the deterioration of their systems to the UFO investigator but
day. We are now collect and share information about lightning-speed and more
English-people's Republic of China than in the United States and the United Kingdom to combine information from
It cannot be ignored or dismissed such a volume.

I have always said, first, to make the UFO event or story is in the process of getting excited. Its
may carry out on-the-cloud with thoughts and actions. Take a deep breath, to collect and examine the
the raw data and make any conclusions until to compare information. This prevents the
up is the imagination of the conclusions and on the other hand, allows us to focus our collective
reveals the truth skills be Prosaic or supernatural.

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New UFO spotted over China Haiyan County, Zhejiang Province

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

UFO Over Malaysia Beach causes stir

UFO Sighting adjacent Kota Kinabalu, Sabah causes stir

Here is an interesting news account of a multiple sighting UFO witnesses near Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. What is very interesting is that there are reports of cell phone cameras and devices all does not function during the observation. But some people were able to take images of described blue/green, saucer-shaped object.

Pictures of this UFO is important because it will help exaine and hopefully determine what it is. You can select another account of this story website Hyan Metro, Malaysia newspapers that this story broke.

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UFO on Griffith Park 2007

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

UFO video's, UK

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UFO, Zhejiang Province accounts for three hours hanging

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011


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Occasionally seems to have a story UFO of number of teeth.

Recent events UFO over New York and El Paso, Texas is case-in-point of that sort.

Here we see; but tens of thousands of audio and video from cameras corpuscle buzz
and more and which cancels the usual media hyped up responses if
Balloons and Chinese lanterns. In the case of video El Paso, take the above news
clip showing the official projecting possible maneuvers of military aircraft. However,
the similarity with the New York Sightings showed no drilling of military aircraft.

Not to mention something wasn't going to military, but the incompetent conclusion
that the observations frames are just that, incompetent and lazy at least were.

UFO stories are on the increase of the recent and stories from mainland China
It is worth noting. The cultural divide on the researcher UFO, weakening of the
on the day. We are now saving and sharing data with quick as lightning and if there are more
English-speaking people in China from the United States and the United Kingdom in combination, the data is
in this volume that cannot be ignored or rejected.

You've always said, the first thing I do with a UFO event or story is not too excited. This
can cloud your thoughts and actions. Take a deep breath, yourself to gather and to study the
raw data and no conclusions to be able to compare the data. This prevents the
jumps in her imagination and instead, we focus our collective
editing skills for revealing the truth will set foot or metaphysical.

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Monday, January 3, 2011



Alright UFO enthusiasts, has almost oneireytikes historical news about controversial wiki site and owner of dwarfs Mrs Assange.

UFOlogists had asked this question many times between us that if he really wanted to shake Assange things he would have gotten some UFO documents shed light on what the Government can know.

Since the Government constantly lying about UFOs for more than half a century has caught, we have no other choice but to believe anything Government. Other States such as France, Great Britain, Russia and even Canada have let loose a tsunami previously classified documents UFO in the world.

Why is the US, which has a great deal about informing the public, was so stubborn as regards movement of documents about UFOs? Whenever you change the documents are both Black, edit, and useless, and we're supposed to be the people who invented the freedom of information. There is no other issue, other than the control of the Federal Reserve system, which is a maelstrom of non-compliance by the authorities, although the legislation relating to the status of books that we had to do it otherwise.

So we have here now on stage Wiki leakage of UFO. Points story about the alleged quotation marks by Wiki leakages owner Assange says something about the leaks Wiki documents refer to UFOs, but for some reason cannot be calculated. What is not mentioned in the documents, only a few teaser there are some "reference" UFOs in certain documents.

It seems to me that horse-trading. So far the documentation Wiki leaks on UFOs point concerns of Government about a Mr Gary McKinnon, a British citizen who about a decade ago reached what reached the entire military espionage networks in the world: he hacked into the Pentagon computers with a 56 k modem and a Perl script and Notepad.

Not so, that certainly was a budget busting operation was this?

Not only this, but is revealed that McKinnon Asperger's Syndrome.

McKinnon supposedly caused the biggest breach and the damage to the top secret computers in u.s. history. The us still want the published now 40 something hackers, which were only looking for UFO information, defeated attempts for fear that it will be issuing a death sentence for decades behind the lines. In the light of which the hushy attitude about UFOs in the United States, McKinnon for hands and thank the Lord is still in Great Britain of the knees.

In any case, this coming Wiki leaks, will UFO documents I think you do anything innovative. It's just another teaser that is being used as a trick to get attention or Exchange. There's something about UFOs are APOKANEI on the United States. No other country on Earth is so secretive about the problem, nor more punishment than the United States. Since we now know that the United States, the CIA, the mafia and the banksters are mainstream news industry, and one need only look at the recent revelation of the owner of the tabloid Rags The National applicant and national star to see this as truth, a runs a high risk of retaliation education free theme UFO in Government.

These leaks Wiki, UFO documents will be innovative as you have said before. Assange can also be quite smart enough to keep the best secret UFO in his pocket, if he's ever caught, because we don't have our breath for a surprising news anytime soon.

You can read MSNBC story by clicking here.

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Now here is a history of us our UFOlogists to her teeth into!

The Government of New Zealand released thousands of UFO documents, previously classified, will be going back to 1952!

This is a very important story that researchers the opportunity to delve into these reports and see what relevant information can appear. These stories go almost back to the beginning of the phenomenon UFO/Flying Saucer and we are going to see what happened in this part of the world, since the reports received.

The story that you can read by clicking here notes that officials provide all reports not give because they do not have the resources to do so. Who says that slavery right because we now have will fresh branches in the data and see not only what happened in New Zealand but see also the comparisons with other reports UFO worldwide. We will be able to tell by comparing the data as jibe with other exhibitions and events, and get a better profile stuff.

Some reports will not be available for another forty years the privacy options which tells the story, but at least we have enough to dig.

There is one lesson to be learned here. There is so much more that needs to be studied in terms of UFOs and about the phenomena and it is customary to do his work here. One can have Governments had their custody after tax citizens to death, but here a case where the Government has failed and now the responsibility in the hands of the audience.

There are enough qualified researchers to do research? I'm not sure but some faithful souls will look at these reports, and can give you a gold standard file of data that can be added the quivers of UFO research.

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Several of the people's Republic of China UFO videos and reports

This is a new video of the people's Republic of China UFO report. This video is via the LA Times. We have recently been UFO reports from many major mainstream News services, which may disturb me. Why? Because the mainstream News at any time due to some money punaturkki something is done or some propoganda is the stern of the vessel. Ufology, why the sudden interest? Because the economy is so rotten they cover the news that the opportunity to earn money. You can use the public makes the UFO subject so popular for almost two decades of industry and Hollywood and television on the Internet have made billions with respect to the subject matter hereof.

However, not too many rich people actually search for UFOlogists, to go and do research, but it is another story.

We have the last of these is expected to further analysis of the people's Republic of China in order to determine the observation of the UFO if solid data can be presented to the public for evaluation.

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UFO cultus Lake above observed Colombia

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

UFO over Barrow, UK video

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This is now we have to sink our teeth UFOlogists story!

The New Zealand Government released thousands of documents, previously categorized, go back to 1952, in the case of the UFO!

This is very important to the story, because it gives researchers the opportunity to submit these reports to go and see which relevant information can be understood. These stories Go almost back to the UFO, flying saucer, the phenomenon of the beginning and, on the one hand, and we have the opportunity to see what happened to the part of the world, because the reports were collected.

At the same time, when you read by clicking here, the story points out that the officials and mention is appeared on reports, because they could be used to allocate resources in order to do this. It says Alot, because now is not to reach fresh perspectives and data and to see the case of New Zealand, but see also the comparisons with other UFO reports on the world stage. We cannot tell If, on the basis of a comparison with other reports and jibe and get things better phenomena in the profile.

In some reports are not available, another 40 years, in order to protect the story says, but at least we get enough to dig in.

No further details in this lesson. Is so much more that it is necessary to examine, UFOs and associated phenomena and it is the work of the public task detective. Perhaps it has been approved by the Governments had done their due diligence system as the death of citizens, but in this case, if the Government has not made available to the public, and now there is liability on the part of the invoice in the round.

Are sufficiently qualified investigators for research? I doubt it, but some of the faithful souls to dig in and find these reports might be golden best bets for information that can be added to the quivers UFO research.

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