Monday, April 11, 2011

UFO skeptic says, the Dome light, Jerusalem is a Hoax


You can read the video analysis has gone viral on the 28 January 2011, the bright light onto the UFO on top of the rock and, in particular, to the Jerusalem Mosque, one of the most revered in the world this story spotlighted the sacred landmarks at space-telescope you can read by clicking here.

The analysis will be carried out, as a matter of fact, the doubts, and even if he makes his claims without a thorough analysis of the expert videos, he brings good enough on the parties to the good profitability. It is good that we have an analysis of these events, and even though I usually throw away skeptical analyses, some skeptics have been advised of the possibility of the story is worth posting about.

It is good to be skeptical, but you have already notified a skeptic who classifies the deciding before you perform the methodical analysis of objectivity that is not valid from the beginning. The same is also true with the "trønde". I got friends who will demand something they see in the Sky is an unrecognized must be converted from is inserted automatically in the alien menace. Nevermind that this date is solid proof of aliens visiting Earth is never come forward.

Thus, my first rule is Ufology: "never get enthusiastic a UFO event.". ", so that you don't lose your cool and is disappointed in the future.

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